

Chat GPT: Why is ChatGPT Blowing Everybody's Mind ?


OpenAI, a big company in Artificial intelligence, has made a new AI tool called ChatGPT. This tool lets you type questions in a natural way and will answer back with conversation-like responses. It gets its information from the internet and can even keep track of the conversation. ChatGPT is getting popular fast and Microsoft has invested a lot of money into OpenAI. The technology behind ChatGPT is now being used by Microsoft in their search engine to compete with Google. OpenAI is also offering a monthly paid service for ChatGPT Plus that gives faster answers and new features. However, OpenAI is warning people to be careful when using ChatGPT because it still needs improvement in being reliable and accurate.

Overall, ChatGPT is a big step forward in artificial intelligence and has a lot of potential for future applications. But for now, it's important to be cautious and not rely on it for important decisions or information. OpenAI is still working on making ChatGPT better and more trustworthy. As technology improves, it has the potential to be used in a variety of areas and make our lives easier and more convenient. So it's definitely worth paying attention to ChatGPT and the advancements being made in AI technology.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a chatbot made by OpenAI that was launched in November. You can ask it many questions and usually get a helpful response. For instance, you can ask it for information like, "What are Newton's laws of motion?" You can also request it to write something for you, like a poem or a computer program. If you want the poem to be more interesting, you can simply ask ChatGPT to make it more exciting.

ChatGPT is an AI that is trained to recognize patterns in large amounts of information found on the internet. With help from humans, it can provide more helpful and improved dialog. However, it's important to keep in mind that ChatGPT doesn't actually "know" anything and its answers may not always be correct or accurate, as OpenAI has warned.

Chatbots have been of interest for many years to businesses looking for ways to help customers and to AI researchers trying to pass the Turing Test. The Turing Test was proposed by computer scientist Alan Turing in 1950 as a way to measure intelligence by seeing if a human can tell the difference between a conversation with a human and a conversation with a computer.

However, chatbots have had a lot of issues in the past with companies trying to use them for customer service instead of humans. A study of 1,700 people in America found that 72% of people believe chatbots are a waste of time.

ChatGPT has become very popular on the internet and is used by many people. A UBS analyst estimated that in February, ChatGPT had reached 100 million monthly users and this happened in just two months, which is faster than the growth of popular apps like TikTok and Instagram. The New York Times, using inside information, reported that 30 million people use ChatGPT every day.

What kinds of questions can you ask?

You can ask ChatGPT anything, you'll get an answer. But sometimes its shows an error.OpenAI has suggested some categories such as explaining science, getting ideas for birthday parties, and getting programming assistance.

I asked it to write a poem and it did, but it's not likely to win any literary awards. I then asked it to make the poem more exciting and ChatGPT used words like "battlefield," "adrenaline," "thunder," and "adventure" to make it more thrilling.

One interesting example shows that ChatGPT is willing to take risks and be creative, even in areas where others might not dare to go. For instance, I was asked to write a folk song about writing a program in Rust and battling lifetime errors.

ChatGPT's abilities are far-reaching and its conversation skills are remarkable. I asked it for words that rhymed with "purple," and it effortlessly provided multiple options, and when I followed up with "How about with pink?" it was quick to respond. (Also, there are more fitting rhymes for "pink.")

When I posed the question, "Is it easier to get a date by being sensitive or being tough?" ChatGPT replied with a well-thought-out answer, stating, "It depends on the person. Some may find sensitivity attractive, while others may be drawn to assertiveness. Ultimately, being genuine and true to oneself is likely to be more successful in getting a date than trying to fit into a specific mold or image."

There are numerous accounts of the bot impressing people all over the internet, especially on Twitter. People have shared its impressive skills in generating art prompts and writing code, with some even declaring "Google is dead" and the end of the college essay.

The uses of ChatGPT are ever-growing and expanding. One doctor even shared how he utilized AI to convince a health insurance company to cover a patient's procedure.

Who built ChatGPT?

OpenAI, a research company focused on developing safe and beneficial artificial intelligence systems, is the creator of ChatGPT. With a team of 375 talented researchers and engineers in the field of AI, OpenAI has made a name for itself with its previous innovations such as GPT-3, which generates human-like text, and DALL-E, a tool for generating art through text prompts.

ChatGPT is built on the updated GPT-3 technology, known as large language models, which uses automatic training processes to generate text based on patterns it recognizes from vast amounts of data. This training can involve repeatedly deleting words from random paragraphs and asking the AI to fill in the blanks, with the system being rewarded for getting as close as possible to the original text. Over time, this training leads to the AI's advanced ability to generate text.

Is ChatGPT free?

Yes, For the time being, ChatGPT is free to use, but OpenAI introduced a paid version in February that provides faster responses and can handle increased usage during peak times. While other users may encounter the message "ChatGPT is at capacity right now," the paid version is available continuously.

If you're interested in the paid version, you can sign up on a waiting list. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman warned that the computational costs for ChatGPT can be substantial, estimating a few cents per response. OpenAI also charges for usage of its DALL-E generative art technology beyond a certain free limit.

Despite these costs, OpenAI appears to have found customers for its GPT tools. According to Reuters, the company has informed potential investors that it anticipates generating $200 million in revenue in 2023 and reaching $1 billion in 2024.

What are the limits of ChatGPT?

The Limitations of ChatGPT:

While OpenAI boasts of ChatGPT's abilities, it's essential to keep in mind that AI is not perfect and can give incorrect answers. In fact, OpenAI has warned users that ChatGPT may create a false sense of brilliance. At times, the AI even acknowledges its own limitations, such as when asked for information not within its training data. Following picture shows some limitation:

For example, when asked about the origin of the phrase "the squirming facts exceed the squamous mind," ChatGPT responded that it could not browse the internet or access external information. However, when provided the phrase directly, ChatGPT offered a potential interpretation but emphasized that it was just one possibility and that more context was needed to truly understand the meaning.

Despite its impressive ability to present answers with a high level of authority, ChatGPT is not always accurate. According to Mike Krause, the data science director at another AI company, Beyond Limits, ChatGPT is likely to provide accurate answers to well-structured questions, but its response to more complex or unusual inquiries may be nonsensical.

In January, the journal Science prohibited the use of ChatGPT-generated text, stating that it cannot be considered as an author and that any such use would be considered scientific misconduct similar to altered images or plagiarism. The software developer site, StackOverflow, also banned ChatGPT from answering programming questions due to the low rate of accuracy in its answers, which was deemed harmful to the site and its users.

Asking the same question multiple times can demonstrate ChatGPT's ability to produce different answers, such as when querying about the current state of Moore's Law in the computer chip industry. One answer can be optimistic about progress, while the other can paint a more pessimistic picture about a potential slowdown and the idea that Moore's Law may have reached its limits.

ChatGPT's tendency to provide ambiguous answers when posed with questions that don't have a clear answer is a common characteristic of AI technology. Despite this, its ability to offer an answer is a significant advancement in computing. Traditional computers are known for their strict adherence to syntax and interface rules, making them difficult to interact with. However, large language models like ChatGPT showcase a more human-like style of communication and exhibit a unique blend of copying and creative abilities."

Will ChatGPT help students cheat better?

The development of ChatGPT presents both opportunities and challenges when it comes to education and academic honesty. On one hand, it provides new resources for research and studying, while on the other hand, it has the potential to enable cheating. Past experience with other technologies, such as encyclopedias and the internet, shows that there will always be a risk of using these tools for unethical purposes.

Google programmer Kenneth Goodman conducted a series of experiments using ChatGPT to take exams. The results were mixed, with ChatGPT scoring 70% on the United States Medical Licensing Examination and a bar exam for lawyers. However, it only got 9 out of 15 questions correct on the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination, 78% on the multiple-choice section of New York's high school chemistry exam, and ranked in the 40th percentile on the Law School Admission Test.

Although ChatGPT can provide answers that sound like student essays, its tone is often stiff and pedantic, lacking the creativity and flair of human writing.

Daniel Herman, a high school teacher, has come to the conclusion that ChatGPT writes better than most of his students. He is conflicted about the potential impact of this technology on education, questioning if it is a blessing or a curse. On one hand, it could greatly aid students with their work, but on the other hand, it may diminish the significance of human emotion and expression in communication.

Dustin York, a professor of communication at Maryville University, has a more optimistic view of ChatGPT. He believes that educators should embrace it as a tool that can help students develop critical thinking skills. Despite concerns that arose with the advent of Google, Wikipedia, and the internet, these technologies have not had a negative impact on education. York fears that educators who reject the use of AI in the classroom will be missing out on a valuable resource.

However, companies that provide tools to detect plagiarism in academic work are now also expanding to detect the use of AI, including ChatGPT.

As the use of AI-generated text such as ChatGPT becomes more widespread, companies are offering tools to detect such content. Coalition Technologies provides an AI content detector on their website, while Copyleaks has released a 99% accurate Chrome extension designed to detect ChatGPT-generated text. However, staying ahead of these detection tools is a constant battle, as companies continually develop new techniques to evade them.

According to a test conducted by Copyleaks on student assignments, around 10% of submissions included some level of AI-generated content. Despite this, some plagiarism detection companies have found that detecting AI-written text is still a challenge. OpenAI has launched its own detector, but in a test conducted by CrossPlag, only two of 10 AI-generated passages were detected. The company acknowledges that while detection tools are crucial, they are not foolproof.

Can ChatGPT write software?

Yes. ChatGPT has made remarkable progress in the world of computer programming, but it's not without limitations. While it can mimic steps taken by humans and even write actual code, it's important to ensure that it doesn't make any mistakes or use software that doesn't function properly. The StackOverflow ban on ChatGPT-generated software is a testament to this fact.

However, with ample software available on the web, ChatGPT can certainly be a useful tool. A CTO of a robotics company, Erik Schluntz, tweeted that ChatGPT's advice was so helpful that he didn't have to turn to StackOverflow for assistance in three days. Another developer, Gabe Ragland from the AI art website Lexica, used ChatGPT to write code for a React-based website.

ChatGPT can also understand and use regular expressions, a powerful technique for identifying specific patterns in a text, such as dates or server names in a website address. This has been praised by programmer James Blackwell, who tweeted that having ChatGPT around is like having a programming tutor available 24/7.

Here's one impressive example of its technical chops: ChatGPT can emulate a Linux computer, delivering correct responses to command-line input.

What's off-limits?

Boundaries of ChatGPT:

To align with OpenAI's goal of promoting the positive impact of artificial general intelligence on humanity, ChatGPT is programmed to recognize and reject any inappropriate requests.

When asked about its limitations, ChatGPT will state that it prohibits questions that are discriminatory, offensive, or disrespectful, including racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or other hateful inquiries. Additionally, asking ChatGPT to participate in any illegal activities is strictly prohibited."

Is ChatGPT better than Google search?

Querying a computer for information and receiving an answer can be advantageous, and ChatGPT is often effective in providing the desired results.

Google typically presents suggested answers to inquiries and accompanying links that it deems relevant. However, ChatGPT often surpasses Google's suggestions with its responses, leading one to speculate that GPT-3 could be considered a rival to the search engine.

It is important to exercise caution when relying on information from ChatGPT, just as with sources such as Google and Wikipedia. Verifying information from primary sources is a recommended practice before relying on it.


Authenticating the accuracy of ChatGPT responses can be challenging as it only provides unprocessed text without any citations or references. Nevertheless, it can be insightful and thought-provoking. It is noteworthy that Google's search results may not display a tool that is similar to ChatGPT, but Google has developed its own massive language models and employs AI extensively in search

Despite this, Google is proud to showcase its profound AI proficiency. In fact, according to The New York Times, ChatGPT's emergence prompted a "code red" emergency within Google, which even led co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin to resume active work. Microsoft could potentially integrate ChatGPT into its competing search engine, Bing. It is evident that ChatGPT and similar tools have a crucial role to play when seeking information.

Undoubtedly, ChatGPT, despite its imperfections, is guiding us toward the future of technology.

Can ChatGPT compete with Google Search?

Asking a computer a question and receiving an answer can be beneficial, and in many cases, ChatGPT provides helpful information.

Google usually offers suggested answers to questions and links to websites it deems relevant. However, ChatGPT's responses often surpass Google's suggestions, making it seem like a formidable rival.

However, it is essential to exercise caution when relying on ChatGPT's answers, just as you would when using Google or other information sources like Wikipedia. It is best to verify information from original sources before relying on it.

Assessing the accuracy of ChatGPT's responses requires some effort as it only provides raw text without links or citations. Despite this, it can still be useful and thought-provoking. Although you won't find something directly equivalent to ChatGPT in Google search results, Google has already developed its own large language models and heavily relies on AI in its search functions.

The potential of ChatGPT has not gone unnoticed, as it has caused a "code red" emergency within Google, according to The New York Times, and prompted Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin to return to active work. Microsoft may also incorporate ChatGPT into its search engine, Bing. It is clear that ChatGPT and similar tools have a role to play in our quest for information.

While imperfect, ChatGPT demonstrates the direction technology is heading toward in the future.

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